Cover and inside collages for Once were Ravers - Pablito El Drito - for Agenzia X press

Metropolis  for Frequenz Zine Berlin

Photos for Emanuele Crotti´s project: Burning Wings - Berlin 2013-2014

Cover for BeK - electronic music release -  Kaometry record

Inside Photos for Rave New World book for Agenzia X - Tobia D´Onofrio

Collaboration with Plaster + Lasal

Berlin tour 2012

collaboration with TIQ Berlin - official photographer for CLOCK DVA 2014 in Berlin

collaboration with TIQ Berlin and WGT Leipzig- official photographer for NEON 2014 in Leipzig

Cover for Matteo Di Giulio book -

Agenzia X press

Poster for Agenzia X  - SLAM X at Cox 18

Metropoli made for Re-Search Milano book- Agenzia X press

My photos painted by Andrea Chiesi for the project Perpetuum Mobile   -   Berlin 2012

Collective exhibition in London with collective Femme Fatale, 2013

Cover for the illustrations book “The End is The Beginning” published by XLAB  2012

video/photo installation for Industrial Revolution

with Marcello Gungui for the exhibition THE INVISIBLE CITIES at Traffic Gallery ( BG) 2009

Cover and inside photos of “ Stencil Art - M-City and Orticanoodles “ edited by Traffic Gallery 2007

Collaboration with Traffic Gallery (BG) - official photographer of the exhibitions and catalogues ( images from the top: Otolab, Clara Luiselli, Orticanoodles + M City)

Where is 101? and Where is 107?    in  collaboration with 100+ Europen artists

No Gentification - liquid exhibition on buildings. Berlin 2013 in collaboration with Airone and Laster und Hanger Wagenburg

photo Installation at Abandoned Soviet Radar Station in Berlin, 2013

Tabula Rasa : 30mt street exhibition against Gentrification, Berlin 2014

art attack - Milano 2005 - featuring where is 101 collective

Poster exhibition - Milano 2006 - featuring where is 101 collective

Tribute to PP Pasolini on Cavalcavia Farini, Milano 2003 in collaboration with Tazmovement

Cover for Rave in Italy

Pablito El Drito - for Agenzia X press